As part of her mission to improve her own life and that of her family and loved ones, Paula has taken sixteen years of online training and during all these years she has read and studied significantly in areas related to holistic medicine, the power of natural medicine to keep us mentally, emotionally and physically healthy.

With this intent, she became a Health and Wellness Coach through Sum Sanos, a weight management program based in Australia, and also promotes natural skincare through L’BRI PURE n’ NATURAL, and Healing Natural Oils. The following essential oils listed on this page may prove beneficial to treat the following conditions:

Moles and Birthmarks:
Pain in Joints and Muscles:
Heal the Appearance of Scars and Stretchmarks:
Alleviate the Pain and Stiffness Caused by Arthritis:
Tone Down Redness and Flares in Rosacea:
Hair Care: